
The company website was like navigating a maze, it was difficult for potential employees to understand their advantages and offerings. The goal of this project was to improve the overall user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) of the website to increase user engagement and conversions.

First things first, I needed to get to know the target audience and competitors. I conducted surveys and user testing to gather insights on the current pain points and areas for improvement. Through this research, it was clear that the website's navigation was confusing and the overall design was outdated.


Based on the research, I created wireframes to map out the new website's layout and navigation. These wireframes were then reviewed and refined with the company's stakeholders to ensure they aligned with the company's goals and objectives.


New site is focused on finding talent for the company. The site helps form an impression of the company in a short time, see its advantages and send a resume.

Mobile version


The end result was a website that was easy to navigate and provided a great user experience. The website received positive feedback from users and the company saw an increase in employees engagement and conversions.

Other work

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