

  1. Communicating complex functionality: Plugins for web development often offer advanced and intricate functionality. I faced the challenge of effectively communicating the features and benefits of these plugins to potential users. Simplifying complex concepts and presenting them in a clear and intuitive way can be challenging to ensure that users understand the value of the plugins.
  2. Showcasing compatibility and integration: Plugins are designed to integrate with existing web development platforms, frameworks, and tools. I needed to demonstrate the compatibility and seamless integration of their plugins with popular platforms. This challenge involves finding ways to showcase how the plugins enhance existing workflows and add value to the user's development process.
  3. Highlighting unique selling points: In a competitive market, we had to find effective ways to differentiate the company's plugins from competitors. This requires identifying and highlighting the unique selling points and key advantages of the plugins through persuasive and visually engaging design elements. Clearly communicating the benefits and value proposition of the plugins can be challenging.

How it was

Final visual

Blog template

Developing a design template for a blog is crucial as it ensures a consistent visual identity, improves user experience, and establishes a strong brand presence. It also saves time and effort by providing a pre-defined structure that can be easily replicated for new blog posts.


I enjoyed collaborating with our client at every stage of product creation. Their team was always available to provide timely and insightful feedback. Well-coordinated teamwork on both ends ensured continuous transfer of completed sections to the client's development team and, therefore, shortened the web development timeline.

Other work

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