

Given that the market is saturated with many strong competitors that provide similar functionality and decent design, Adsy had to really stand out in every dimension. Our goal was to create a complete package, where flawless user experience and enhanced functionality were combined with an elegant user interface.

  1. Business reasons: Lack of functionality which a lot of users need and ask for. It's had a bad impact on lead generation.
  2. UX: Bad customer feedback and issues with user flow. Unnecessary links in the navigation.
  3. Visual: The platform design has not been changed since the release of the MVP. In 2020, it looked like the product of 2013. It didn't make a good impression.


Product UX discovery

To better understand how our users currently navigate through the personal cabinet and the associated pain points, I conducted user interviews with the help of 4 participants, ranging from our internal colleagues to out loyal customers.

Also, we make a competitors analysis by looking at unique features and understanding the differences between competitors. In each feature, I described what users may like and what they may don't like. I also added some interesting features that we can use in our product.



Before wireframes, a sitemap was created that defined the structure of the platform and ensured user flow.

After finalizing the functionality, several iterations of high-fidelity wireframes were produced. It allowed to craft a well thought-out user journey for every scenario.

Clickable wireframes were created to simulate a prototype that is similar to the end product. We developed and carried out user testing for prototype validation. This helped us to test every hypthesis before proceeding to the development stage.



Main innovations:
  • New visual design
  • New navigation structure which is more clear and easy flow
  • New features
  • Full adaptive


Main inventory was divided on two categories: verified publishers with the higest completion rate and all publishers

New metrics were added like Comletion rate, TAT, Spam Score

Ability to save filters and subscribe the notification about new sites that match the saved filters.

Mobile version




  • Cluttered and confusing layout.
  • Poor navigation.
  • Slow loading times.
  • Non-responsive design.
  • Too much buttons with call-to-action. (up to 5 buttons in one screen)
  • Inconsistent branding and visuals.




Main innovations:
  • New visual design
  • New navigation structure which is more clear and easy flow
  • Interaction animation added
  • New blog
  • Full adaptive


Adsy provides users with a unique opportunity to support the content marketing needs in a simple, yet tangible way.

Other work

Want to create something awesome? Get in touch with me.
